Missouri Pesticide Applicator Requirements & FAQs

Answers to frequently asked questions about Missouri's pesticide certification, and state approved continuing education.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Missouri Pesticide Applicator General Information

State Licensing Contact Information

Phone: (573) 751-5504
Fax: (573) 751-0005
Web: Missouri Department of Agriculture

What kind of Missouri Pesticide Applicator's Certification do I need?

Certified Commercial Applicators are defined by the Missouri Pesticide Use Act as: Any individual, whether or not he is a private applicator with respect to some uses, who is certified by the director as authorized to use, supervise the use of, or determine the need for the use of, any pesticide, whether classified for restricted use or for general use, while engaged in the business of using pesticides on the lands of another as a direct service to the public in exchange for a fee or compensation.

Certified Noncommercial Applicators are defined by the Missouri Pesticide Use Act as: Any individual, whether or not he is a private applicator with respect to some uses, who is certified by the director as authorized to use, or to supervise the use of, any pesticide which is classified for restricted use only on lands owned or rented by the applicator or their employer.

Certified Public Operators are defined by the Missouri Pesticide Use Act as: Any individual who is certified by the director as authorized to use, or to supervise the use of, any pesticide which is classified for restricted use in the performance of their duties as an official or employee of any agency of the state of Missouri or any political subdivision thereof, or any other governmental agency.

Pesticide Dealers are defined by the Missouri Pesticide Use Act as any individual who is engaged in the business of distributing, selling, offering for sale, or holding for sale at retail, or direct wholesale to the end user, any pesticide classified for restricted use.

Pesticide Technicians are any individuals who use or determine the need for the use of pesticides, under the direct supervision of a certified commercial applicator, in Ornamental and Turf Pest Control, General Structural Pest Control, or Termite Pest Control must be licensed as a pesticide technician.

Certified Private Applicators are defined by the Missouri Pesticide Use Act as any individual who is certified by the director as authorized to use, or to supervise the use of, any pesticide which is classified for restricted use for purposes of producing any agricultural commodity on property owned or rented by the applicator or their employer or on the property of another person, if used without compensation other than trading of personal services between producers of agricultural commodities, on the property of another person.

What classifications of applicator's licensing does Missouri have?

What are the categories for pesticide licensing in Missouri?

Does the state of Missouri offer pesticide applicator reciprocity with other states?

Missouri Pesticide Applicator Certifications

What is needed to become a Missouri certified pesticide applicator?

Certified Commercial Applicator

  1. A completed Certified Applicator and Pesticide Dealer Application
  2. $50.00 license fee
  3. Evidence of financial responsibility, such as: an insurance certificate or surety bond.
  4. If the applicant is an out-of-state resident, the applicant must submit: Non Resident Agent Form
  5. If the applicant applies for a Certified Commercial Applicator license in Category 7A, Category 7B, or Category 7C, the applicant will be required to submit evidence of valid experience using pesticides (in these categories) while under the direct supervision of a Certified Commercial Applicator or evidence of having an Associates of Arts degree or its equivalent in Biology, Chemistry, Agriculture, or Entomology by submitting a copy of the degree or college transcript. The Verification of Structural Pesticide Application Experience Form should be used to attest valid experience.

Certified Noncommercial Applicator

  1. A $25.00 license fee
  2. A completed Certified Applicator and Pesticide Dealer Application
  3. If the applicant is an out-of-state resident, the applicant must submit: Non Resident Agent Form

Certified Public Operator

  1. A completed Certified Applicator and Pesticide Dealer Application
  2. If the applicant applies for a license in Category 7A, Category 7B, or Category 7C, the applicant must submit evidence of valid experience using pesticides (in these categories) or evidence of having an Associates of Arts degree or its equivalent in Biology, Chemistry, Agriculture, or Entomology by submitting a copy of the degree or college transcript. The Verification of Structural Pesticide Application Experience Form should be used to attest valid experience
  3. If the applicant is an out-of-state resident, the applicant must submit: Non Resident Agent Form
  4. No license fee is required. The license will be mailed automatically to the applicant upon receipt of all required application materials and passing the required examinations

Certified Private Applicators

  1. Complete the Certified Private Applicator Training Program provided by the University of Missouri Extension Office
  2. Complete Private Applicator Certification Training Verification Form
  3. No license fee is required

Pesticide Dealer

  1. Pass the Pesticide Dealer examination only. To learn more about the exam process or to register for an exam, click here.
  2. A $25.00 license fee
  3. A completed Certified Applicator and Pesticide Dealer Application
  4. If the applicant is an out-of-state resident, the applicant must submit: "Non Resident Agent Form

Pesticide Technician

  1. Within 45 days of hiring a person as a pesticide technician trainee:

Who administers the Missouri pesticide exam?

How do I schedule my Missouri pesticide exam?

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