Overview of the U.S.-Colombia Trade Agreement

Approval of the U.S.–Colombia Trade Promotion Agreement (TPA) will support more American jobs, increase U.S. exports, and enhance U.S. competitiveness:

The Agreement will remove significant barriers to U.S. goods from entering Colombia’s market:

The Agreement is crucial to maintaining the U.S. share of this important market:

Other benefits of the Agreement include:

Expanded Access to Services Markets: Colombia will accord substantial market access across its entire services sector. Colombia agreed to eliminate measures that prevented U.S. firms from hiring U.S. professionals, and to phase-out market restrictions in cable television. Colombia also agreed to provide improved access for U.S. suppliers of portfolio management services.

New Opportunities for Agriculture: Colombia is an important market for America’s farmers and ranchers. In 2010, the United States exported $832 million of agricultural products to Colombia, the second highest export total in South America. Top U.S. exports include wheat, corn, cotton, soybeans, and corn gluten feed. The U.S.-Colombia trade agreements will immediately eliminate duties on almost 70 percent of U.S. farm exports including wheat, barley, soybeans, soybean meal and flour, high-quality beef, bacon, almost all fruit and vegetable products, peanuts, whey, cotton, and the vast majority of processed products.

Greater Protection for Intellectual Property Rights: The Agreement provides for improved standards for the protection and enforcement of a broad range of intellectual property rights, consistent with U.S. and emerging international standards of protection and enforcement. Such improvements include requirements for IPR protections that are critical to protecting copyrighted works like music, movies, and software from piracy in the digital environment; requirements for strong, deterrent criminal penalties against copyright piracy and trademark counterfeiting; requirements for robust patent and test data protection that respects the Doha Declaration on TRIPS and Public Health; and state-of-the-art protection for U.S. trademarks.

In the underlying agreement, both parties commit to adopt and maintain in their laws and practice the five fundamental labor rights, as stated in the 1998 ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. Labor obligations are subject to the same dispute settlement and enforcement mechanisms as commercial obligations. In addition, Colombia has now met the numerous milestones slated for completion to date, under an agreed Colombian Action Plan Related to Labor Rights. These address concerns regarding protections for worker rights, violence against Colombian labor union members, and the prosecution of those who commit such violence. Under the Action Plan, Colombia has:

Commitments to Protect the Environment: Both parties also commit to effectively enforce their own domestic environmental laws and adopt, maintain and implement laws, regulations, and all other measures to fulfill obligations under covered multilateral environmental agreements. Environmental obligations are subject to the same dispute settlement and enforcement mechanisms as commercial obligations.

Fair and Open Government Procurement: U.S. suppliers are granted rights to non-discriminatory treatment in bidding on procurement opportunities offered by a broad range of Colombian government ministries, agencies, public enterprises, and regional governments. The Agreement requires the use of fair and transparent procurement procedures, such as advance notice of purchases and timely and effective bid review procedures.

A Level Playing Field for U.S. Investors: U.S. companies in Colombia are protected against discriminatory or unlawful treatment, and the Agreement provides a neutral and transparent mechanism for settlement of investment disputes.

More Manufacturing Exports to Colombia: The U.S.-Colombia TPA creates new opportunities for U.S. manufacturers seeking to export to Colombia, giving American manufacturers more market access in two ways: (1) by eliminating tariffs, or duties, charged when U.S. exports enter Colombia, and (2) by laying out a framework to address other barriers to U.S. exports – including those that may arise in the future.

Increased Textile Access for U.S. Apparel: Colombia is an important market for U.S. textiles and apparel. The U.S.-Colombia Trade Promotion Agreement opens new market access opportunities for U.S. textiles and apparel manufacturers and strengthens customs enforcement mechanisms to verify claims of origin and deny illegal customs circumvention. Qualifying U.S. textile and apparel exports to Colombia would receive duty-free treatment immediately upon implementation of the Agreement.

Small Business Exporters: Thousands of small businesses across the United States export goods to Colombia. In 2009, U.S. small and medium enterprises (SMEs) exported $3.1 billion in merchandise to Colombia. This represented 34.4 percent of U.S. merchandise exports to Colombia -- above the 32.8 percent SME share of U.S. exports to the world. Of the 13,177 U.S. firms that exported to Colombia in 2008, 11,562 or 87.7 percent, were small and medium businesses.

Telecommunications : In an increasingly dynamic environment, U.S. telecommunications operators continue to look for opportunities to extend the reach of their global networks in order to deliver the advanced telecommunications their customers demand. The U.S.-Colombia Trade Promotion Agreement provides a new opportunity for U.S. operators to gain the legal certainty necessary to either make significant investments abroad or tap into existing telecommunications infrastructure to better expand their businesses.

Average Colombia Tariffs on U.S. Industrial Exports: Before and After Full Implementation of the Agreement

Industrial Exports Sector Before Implementation After Full Implementation
Metals and Ores 9.2% 0%
Infrastructure and Machinery 11.1% 0%
Transportation Equipment 12.7% 0%
Autos and Auto Parts 7.4% 0%
Building Products 13.2% 0%
Paper and Paper Products 12.5% 0%
Consumer Goods 14.6% 0%